Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The Background and Significance of This Study-1
1.2 Political Speeches-1
1.3 The Structure of This Thesis-2
Chapter Two Literature Review-3
2.1 Conceptual Metaphor Research-3
2.2 Conceptual Metaphor Studies in Political Speeches at Home and Abroad-3
Chapter Three The Types and Functions of Conceptual Metaphor in Obama's Second Inaugural Speech-5
3.1 The Types of Conceptual Metaphor in Obama's Second Inaugural Speech-5
3.1.1 Structural Metaphor-5
3.1.2 Ontological Metaphor-6
3.1.3 Orientational Metaphor-7
3.2 The Functions of Conceptual Metaphor in Obama's Second Inaugural Speech-7
3.2.1 Persuasive Function-7
3.2.2 Simplified Function-8
3.2.3 Coherent Function-9
3.2.4 Framing Political Image-9
Chapter Four Conclusion-11
4.1 Findings-11
4.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study-11
Generally speaking, speakers can deliver their political views and standpoints in order to talk the public into accepting and supporting their views by making political speeches. Politics is very abstract and complicated, so speakers often use conceptual metaphors in their discourses to make their views accessible and understandable to the audience. Conceptual metaphor is first brought up by Lakoff and Johnson in their book Metaphors We Live By, and it can be classified into structural metaphor, ontological metaphor and orientation metaphor. On the basis of conceptual metaphor theory, the thesis is to study conceptual metaphor in political speeches by analyzing Obama’s second inaugural address. The study shows that structural metaphor, ontological metaphor and orientation metaphor are all adopted in Obama’s second inaugural address to persuade the audience, simplify the abstract political language, frame good political image and make the speech coherent. The author hopes that this study can make contributions to helping people have a better comprehension of conceptual metaphor in political speeches and politicians to use conceptual metaphors in the addresses to achieve their own purposes.
Key Words: Obama’s second inaugural address conceptual metaphor types functions