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中美相亲节目中女性拒绝策略对比研究-《非诚勿扰》和Take Me Out.doc

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  • 更新时间:2019-02-08
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  • 课题来源:(斯小思)提供原创文章


Abstract:Based on the data from If You Are the One and Take Me Out, this thesis explores the use of refusal strategies performed by female guests. The use of refusal strategies by American and Chinese females shows some similarities to a certain degree. Firstly, the findings of this study indicate that both Chinese females and American females tend to employ indirect refusal strategies rather than direct strategies; secondly, reason has been proved to be the most frequently used semantic element in giving indirect refusal. Differences of refusal strategies are listed: Firstly, Chinese females tend to be euphemistic and implicit while American females send messages directly and explicitly; secondly, when giving reasons, American females take more care of their individual feelings or interests, while Chinese females take many others’ feelings into consideration. It is mainly due to the similarities and differences in social and cultural context between China and the United States. The significance of this study is to get deeper understanding of refusal strategies between Chinese and American females, and it is helpful for intercultural communication.

Key words: refusal speech act  refusal strategies  comparison


中文摘要:本文以《非诚勿扰》和Take Me Out为例,从中各选取8期节目,探讨中美相亲节目中女嘉宾使用的拒绝策略。美国和中国女性的拒绝策略具有一定程度上的相似性:首先,美国女性和中国女性拒绝时都倾向于使用间接拒绝策略而不是直接拒绝策略;其次,陈述理由策略在间接拒绝策略中使用频率最高。中美女性拒绝策略的差异性表现在以下方面:中国女性在拒绝时语言偏委婉含蓄,美国女性拒绝时语言多简练直接;使用理由策略时,美国女性的理由多与自身感受或利益相关,而中国女性的理由则更侧重于对方或其他人,较少提及自己。这主要是由于中美双方所处的社会文化语境既有共性也有一定的个性。本研究对于认识中美女性的拒绝策略和跨文化交际有一定的积极意义。-

关键词: 拒绝言语行为;拒绝策略;对比





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1-Purposes of This Study-1

1.2-Significance of This Study-1

1.3 Structure of This Thesis-2

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Pragmatic Study-3

2.2 Refusing Strategies-3

2.3 Influencing Factors of Refusal-3

2.4 Comments on Previous Studies-4

Chapter Three Face Theory-5

Chapter Four Refusal Strategies of Chinese and English Females in Dating Shows-6

4.1 Introduction to Two Dating shows-6

4.2 Comparison of Refusal Strategies-6

4.3 Similarities of Refusal Strategies-7

4.3.1 Use of Direct Refusal-7

4.3.2 Use of Indirect Refusal-8

4.4 Differences of Refusal Strategies-9

Chapter Five Conclusion-12

5.1 Major Findings-12

5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study-12
