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  • [英语论文] 论中西方主要餐桌礼仪差异_英语论文.doc

    There are many differences in table manner between China and the West. How to behave properly in a banquet and how to avoid embarrassment should be considered. In order to achieve successful communication, one should notice the major differe...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:4051 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 论汤姆·索亚的成长_英语论文.doc

    Mark Twain completed more than twenty great novels, pioneering modern American fiction. Among all the works Mark Twain accomplished in his life, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was regarded as one of his famous novels and might have been well i...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:5318 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 论《呼啸山庄》中的爱情观_英语论文.doc

    For a long time, many people having been making comments on this novel. Some people think it’s a great and unique work which gives the reader strength, but others maintain it is a terrible book which gives us bad effect....

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:4315 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 礼貌原则在商务英语函电中的运用_英语论文.doc

    The Politeness Principles are stated through the analysis of examples. By exploring these characteristics of business correspondence, the paper also provides the learners of business English with the techniques necessary for writing business...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:5106 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 简析苔丝的悲剧成因_英语论文.doc

    Virginia Woolf noted some of Hardy’s enduring power as a writer: “Thus it is no mere transcript of life at a certain time and place that Hardy has given us. It is a vision of the world and of man’s lot as they revealed themselves to a ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:7231 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 合作学习在高中英语阅读中的应用_英语论文.doc

    From the definition above, Cooperative Learning is a group learning activity. Class members are split into small groups that will be assigned by the teacher and instructed to learn the assigned material. They have assembled to complete an ac...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:4826 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 公益广告翻译的功能对等_英语论文.doc

    Functional equivalence is to be fined the terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language. In the 1990's, Nida divided the...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:4746 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 多媒体在中学英语听力中的运用_英语论文.doc

    Therefore, this study focuses on how to apply MCAI into middle school listening classes in order to increase interest in second language learning and improve their cognitive ability. How to improve the listening teaching through MCAI? What a...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:6154 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 对利比亚战争报道批判话语分析_英语论文.doc

    Critical Discourse Analysis is the universal process to be used in many ways. Such as, speech reading、radio and so on. Western country can use Medias to spread their ideology, so we should adapt this analysis method to distinguish our valu...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:4044 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 动机与英语专业学生英语学习的相关性研究_英语论文.doc

    This paper is about some definitions and theories of motivation, and then analyzing the correlation between motivation and English learning of English majors through the results of the questionnaire...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:6665 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 大学生英语词汇学习策略探究_英语论文.doc

    It is known that vocabulary learning is the first problem for the majority of the students in the English learning process. Vocabulary is one of the most important components in learning English, and it runs through the whole process of Engl...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:4401 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 《虹》中的女性婚姻观浅析_英语论文.doc

    D.H. Lawrence is one of the most famous English writers in the 20th century. His works expresses about his belief in emotion world, sexual impulse and human nature. However, his ideal to create a passionate life is contrary to the society at...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币1000 文档字数:5154 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-29
  • [英语论文] 中英称呼语的分类比较_英语论文.doc

    Addressing is complex, and it can be classified into different types. The kinds of addressing form of English and Chinese will be generally compared .The following part will offer a conception of addressing form...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:6893 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 中学英语阅读教学策略_英语论文.doc

    Reading is a process of communication from the writer to the reader. For the writer, he wants to communicate with a pen, and has a communicative purpose, Writers write things because they want to convey what be wants to say to the reader...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:4977 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 直译与译借在中国英语中的应用对比_英语论文.doc

    This thesis is written for the comparison between literal translation and translation-loans in China English. Through the analysis with their definitions and certain examples, a better understanding of them will surely be made. Synchronicall...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:3494 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 运用夸张手法激发小学生学习英语兴趣_英语论文.doc

    It is generally believed that classroom teaching is one of the most important ways that students learn English. According to the newly issued curriculum standard, the main teaching aim of English in primary schools is to arouse students’ i...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:3470 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 阅读理解中的词汇障碍_英语论文.doc

    “When we talk about a word, we tend to think in visual terms. In this line a word can be defined as meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. As defined in terms of spoken language, a word is view...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:5079 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 英语委婉语的表达模式和应用_英语论文.doc

    Euphemism is a pleasant way of referring to something unpleasant. Thus burier became undertaker, then mortician; when opium became too odious, morphine (“dream bringer”) came into use; later heroin was coined as more attractive than diam...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:5901 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 英汉连词“and”的翻译_英语论文.doc

    The form of Chinese sentence is structured according to the time and logic, the order of language is immobile and the relation is clear and definite. It doesn’t need so many conjunctions to show the relationships between them....

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:6138 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 文化差异与中学英语词汇教学_英语论文.doc

    Who should bear the responsibility, students or teachers? What are the reasons? Some traditional vocabulary teaching seems to isolate the words from the context. That cannot help students to develop a language competence in the long run...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:4541 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 诗歌《天净沙.秋思》的不同翻译版本赏析_英语论文.doc

    With the growing influence of Chinese ancient poems, many foreign scholars are very interested in the poems. Since the 18th century, many Chinese ancient poems have been translated into English...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:4277 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 如何用体态语言来激发学生的学习兴趣_英语论文.doc

    It can make the students master knowledge easily. At the same time, it lets students gain the feelings of accomplishment and win confidence in English learning. Finally, they will be interested in English learning and study English in and ou...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:5067 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 浅谈英文名字_英语论文.doc

    Obviously it is the names in the above examples that brought about different responses. Poor Harriet missed her chance for a blind date simply because of the image her name suggested. From this example, we can see that a good name can leave ...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:4091 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 欧.亨利短篇小说的艺术技巧_英语论文.doc

    O. Henry was one of the most famous realistic writers in the early twenty centuries. O. Henry was born in South Carolina of America on September 11th, 1862. His original name was William Sydney Porter. His father...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:4041 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 母语对中学生英语写作的干扰_英语论文.doc

    This paper has three points. First, we can find out ways to deal with the problem. Second, we can help the students to write more efficiently and accurately. Third, we can improve the students’ writing ability...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:3532 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 论英语语言中的性别歧视_英语论文.doc

    Language being a social mirror, the root of the sexism in English is not English itself but the inequality of social status between man and woman. The researches of the linguistics show that, men are the central characters in many aspects...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:5756 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 论景点名称的翻译_英语论文.doc

    There are a lot of the ways of translation. For example: repetition, amplification, omission, conversion, inversion, division, negation, the change of the voices, literal translation, liberal translation, transliteration, explanation transla...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:4086 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 论汉语四字成语的翻译_英语论文.doc

    Idiom is one kind of idiomatic phrases. It is the summary of some language by people in the long-term practice, also is the best rhetoric method. The idioms come generally from the ancient time classic...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:3930 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 论艾米莉·迪金森的自然类诗歌_英语论文.doc

    Emily Dickinson’s poems are famous for her creationary techniques and writing characteristics. “Her subjects were death, love, nature, friendship, immortality, and beautiful. Drawing her imaginary from flowers the village world, househol...

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:3723 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27
  • [英语论文] 交际法在初中英语语法教学中的应用_英语论文.doc

    Owing to the traditional Grammar-focused, teacher-centered and test-based classes in China, English is thought to be something dry and abstract or a subject similar to any other subjects that the students are learning....

    资料包含:完整论文 所需金币500 文档字数:3953 上传者:乖乖90后 更新日期:2014-06-27