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摘 要:温室气体让太阳短波辐射自由通过,同时强烈吸收地面和空气放出长波(红外线)辐射,从而造成地层增温的功能。从而导致温室效应。温室效应造成海平面上升;影响农业;影响水资源;自然生态系统;加剧洪涝、干旱及其他气象灾害;影响人体健康以及其它方面的危害。中国是受气候系统变化影响较严重的国家之一。而火电厂成产过程中的温室气体尤其是CO2的排放占了总排放量的很大比重。因此,对火电厂生产过程中温室气体的排放计量尤为重要。









Abstract:Greenhouse gases makes solar shortwave radiation traversed freely, at the same time, it absorbs long wave (infrared) radiation from earth and air strongly, increasing the temperature of strata, which is the reason of Greenhouse effect. And the Greenhouse effect causes the increase of the sea-level; influence agricultural; influence water resource; influence natural ecological system; aggravate floods、drought and other climate disasters; influence personalities’ healthy and other harms. China is one of the countries which are badly suffered from climate system changes. And the emissions of Greenhouse gases during the production process of the coal-fired plants especially the CO2 haves a big part in totally emissions of Greenhouse gases. So measurement for the emissions of Greenhouse gases during the production process of the coal-fired plants is very important.

   This article launches with measurement for the emissions of Greenhouse gases during the production process of the coal-fired plants, which describes measurement for the emissions of Greenhouse gases international used; measurement for the emissions of Greenhouse gases from fixed combustion burning; measurement for the emissions of Greenhouse gases during the production process of the coal-fired plants.    And makes the basis of emissions of Greenhouse gases.

   There are three measurements for the emissions of Greenhouse gases in international practice; the difference between them is AD and EF. Emissions source classified based on each energy.

   There are three measurements for the emissions of Greenhouse gases in fixed source burning, method 1 is emissions equals fuel consumption multiplied by discharge factor. Also their difference is discharge factor. Although there are there methods, so need a decision tree.

   Coal energy chain is three links; there are coal production processes, coal transport process and coal power plant generating process. In these processes, Greenhouse gases are produced. There has each links’ econometric model and measurement list.

   The emissions of CO2 Specific to Coal-fired units, has econometric model, but there are two corrections need to be considered. First one is incomplete combustion heat loss, and another one is the energy saving power generation carbon emissions index scheduling. And there’s a case in final.

   Finally topic research gives summary and conclusion.

Key words: Coal-fired plants; Greenhouse gases; Greenhouse effect; measurement for the emissions of Greenhouse gases; summary