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  • 更新时间:2013-09-18
  • 论文字数:19661
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Abstract:With the emergence of electric vehicles in recent years, the popularity of car, motorcycle sales situation has been poor, even the recession-based industry with a variety of features. However, for some operators, in the motorcycle industry have to pay a lot of money, they can not immediately withdraw from the industry to go into other industries. And now there are still some rural purchasing power, if it can operate well, it would still be profitable. Bad in this market environment, let some of you can still be profitable or to maintain the motorcycle dealers do not want to exit the industry. New Star Motorcycle Sales Co., Ltd. is the distributor of this situation, the bad environment in the market downturn, although the profit margins began to fall, but still have some profits to be made, I do not want to abandon the industry, in this case We can start marketing to increase business turnover so that corporate profits.

Keywords: Marketing; Management; Motorcycle; Profit


   由于摩托车行业的前景并不看好,销售的提高并不简单,市场营销,通过营销渠道来增加销售额是当下最好的办法。市场营销学于20世纪初期产生于美国。几十年来,随着社会经济及市场经济的发展,市场营销学发生了根本性的 变化,从传统市场营销学演变为现代市场营销学,其应用从赢利组织扩展到非赢利组织,从国内扩展到国外。当今,市场营销学已成为同企业管理相结合,并同经济 学、行为科学、人类学、数学等学科相结合的应用边缘管理学科。西方市场营销学的产生与发展同商品经济的发展、企业经营哲学的演变是密切相关的。
