孕妇营养餐厅,就是一个以孕妇这一特殊人群为主题,为其提供科学合理孕妇营养餐为主打,提供全新的餐饮服务为理念,引导广大准妈妈们健康饮食,促进宝宝健康成长为宗旨而专设的主题餐厅。随着人们生活水平的提高,如何科学地给准妈妈们补充营养,生育出健康的宝宝,成为一个家庭的“重头戏”。 准妈妈们在长达280天的“孕程”里,绝大多数人无法得到专业的营养饮食咨询和配餐服务,由孕期营养不足或营养过剩引发的各类胎儿问题是准妈妈最担心的问题,在准妈妈漫长的“孕程”中,饮食问题显得尤为重要。所以孕妇营养餐厅的存在必定是一个前景十分广阔的市场商机。
关键词:主题餐厅 孕妇营养 市场前景分析
ABSTRACT:It’s hard to say when the “Theme Restaurant” quietly emerged. The special dinning concept and distinctive decorating style make the guest experience not only the delicious food but also a kind of cultural atmosphere. When people’s food and beverage consumption concept turn from hungry to enjoy, leisure. And nowadays, people focus on more spiritual enjoyment, but what the most important factors are the surroundings and atmosphere of the restaurant. So the style of the restaurant are emphasized, people concerned more about the food culture grade and comfortable dinning atmosphere.
Pregnant women's Nutrition Restaurant is a theme restaurant the makes the pregnant women as their target market,offering them scientific and rational dining experience and newest dining experience, leading the mother-to-be eating healthy, and advance the baby grow up healthy and sound. With the development of the living standard of the people, how to offer scientific nutrients, born healthy baby really make sense nowadays. The more than 280 days pregnancy ride makes most of the mother-to-be cannot get professional dinning consult and catering services, what the mother-to-be most concerned are all kinds of fetal problems for inadequate nutrition during pregnancy or excess nutrient, so diet is very important during the pregnancy ride. So the pregnant women’s nutrition restaurant has a broad market opportunities.
Keywords:Theme restaurants; Nutrition of pregnant women; Market analysis