关键词:大学生 择业动机 公务员 就业
ABSTRACT:State universities and colleges graduates are valuable human resources. Employment of college graduates work related to economic development, improving people's livelihood and social stability. 2013, total employment of college graduates nationwide pressures continue to increase, very prominent structural contradictions, employment task more arduous. 2013 college graduates reached its peak, the impact of the economic downward pressure, reduce the supply of jobs, the number of graduates increased, resulting in the formation of the hardest jobs season. Many of the students in order to seek a stable, relaxed, with a substantial income improvement and protection work, swarming become a "Test Bowl" family, resulting in the civil service exam students thermal phenomena. Based on the civil service exam hot college careers Motivation and Research, students explore the psychological motivation when choosing a career, find related issues, and propose targeted measures in order to promote the employment of university students to make some constructive suggestions reasonable.
This paper is divided into four parts, the first part is an introduction, mainly on the subject of the research background, the theoretical and practical significance and research ideas and research methods, the system of recruiting civil servants and their introduction. The second part is to select the college student population for the civil service exam career motivation survey, analysis of students' genuine occupational motivation. The third part is to describe the civil service exam college career motivation questionnaire analysis results caused by the civil service exam hot college factors. The fourth chapter is to propose a reasonable Students Employment Policy.
Key words: University student Career motivation Civil servants Employment