摘 要:为适应江苏旅游蓬勃发展的新形势,加强和完善江苏旅游公共服务体系、出台旅游公共服务体系标准化制度已经成为政府和各级旅游管理部门一项迫切而重要的任务。本文阐述了旅游公共服务体系的概念与功能,分析江苏旅游公共服务体系的现状与存在问题,提出了江苏旅游公共服务体系建设的对策与措施,可为江苏旅游公共服务体系的建设和完善及服务质量的提升提供参考。
Abstract: To meet the new situation of the booming Jiangsu tourism, to strengthen and improve the public service system in Jiangsu tourism, the introduction of tourism public service system has become a standardized system of tourism management departments at all levels of government and an urgent and important task. This paper describes the concept and function of tourism public service system in Jiangsu tourism,analysis the status and problems of public service system in Jiangsu tourism. Proposed strategies and measures, for the Jiangsu tourism public service system to improve and Services enhance the quality of reference.
Keywords: Tourism public service; System construction, tourist information; Jiangsu Province