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摘要:中国加入 WTO 之后,随之而来的就是流通领域和服务业的逐步开放,更加大了竞争程度。自从百事可乐模式成功植入中国后,我国饮料厂商面临了前所未有的挑战。渠道在中国饮料供应链上有其重要地位,分销商正是发挥了为供应商最大程度收集、回馈真实市场信息,及时有效沟通的能力。但随着竞争的激烈,越来越多的厂商打压饮料制造商的供货成本,而且削薄了分销商的利润空间,原来的代理经营模式正悄悄地发生改变,饮料制造商逐渐脱离分销商的管道,加快了向零售领域进军的步伐,逐渐向下游终端进行扩张。


关键字 广药王老吉;营销渠道;冲突


Abstract:After China’s accession to WTO, and followed by a gradual opening of circulation and service industry, all of these increase the degree of competition. The channel plays an important role in Chinese beverage supply chain and distributors are played as a supplier to collect, feedback real market information, timely and effective communication. But with the increasing competition, more and more beverage manufacturers begin to suppress the costs of supplies, weigh on the margins of distributors, and the original agency model are changing now, beverage manufacturers gradually away from the distributors, speed up the pace  to enter the retail area.

   Guangzhou Pharmaceutical needs to establish their own marketing channels as soon as possible because of “Wong Lo Kat” brand competition, and how to using the low-cost method to break the channel monopoly will be the discussion content of this paper. This paper focus on the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical “Wong Lo Kat” ’s market channel and do the following: First of all, do related literature review, and understanding Guangzhou Pharmaceutical “Wong Lo Kat” ’s marketing channel strategy, finally, according to the reasons of channel conflicts, give out the suggestions.

Keywords Wong Lo Kat; marketing channel; conflict