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摘要:麦香人家烘焙店是扬州江都地区一家烘焙老店,有着18 年的历史,在当地也占据着较高的市场份额,是一家家喻户晓的烘焙店。但是,2012 年九月份全国知名连锁烘焙店的强势进入给麦香人家带来了前所未有的竞争压力。为使麦香人家走出困境,我们着手研究全国烘焙市场的特征以及发展趋势,以此进而把握扬州地区烘焙市场的发展状况,同时研究麦香人家在江都区的主要竞争对手,总结出麦香人家的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。通过对消费者进行问卷调查和与麦香人家相关人员进行深度访谈,找出麦香人家的真正问题之所在。麦香人家虽然在江都区有较高的知名度,但它只是一家地区店,在扬州市的竞争力薄弱,也没有明确的市场、品牌定位。因此,麦香人家要想顶住竞争压力,稳固江都地区的市场份额,就必须加强品牌管理,强化并提升品牌形象,同时将自己的销售范围扩大到整个扬州地区,通过走本土品牌,以情感诉求来与对手竞争,并达到塑造品牌、扩大经营范围的经营愿景。

关键词 麦香人家;扬州地区;营销策划


Abstract:The Myshine-house bakery is the Yangzhou Jiangdu a baking-old, has a history of 18 years, also occupy a higher market share in the local, is a well-known bakery. However, in September 2012, the national well-known chain of bakeries,the strong entry to Jiangdu,brought unprecedented competitive pressure to Myshine-house. To make the shop out of the predicament, we started to research the the national baking market characteristics and trends, in order thereby to grasp the trend of Yangzhou baking market development, research the major competitors of Myshine-house in Jiangdu area, summed up the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the bakery house. Consumers questionnaires and in-depth interviews to find out where the real problems of the people of the house. Myshine-house high visibility, in the Jiangdu area, but it's just a regional shop, weak competitiveness in Yangzhou City, there is no clear market, brand positioning. Therefore, the bakery shop in order to withstand the competitive pressures and a solid the Jiangdu market share, it is necessary to strengthen brand management, to strengthen and enhance the brand image, while the scope of their sales to the whole Yangzhou go through the local brands, emotionally aspirations to compete with rivals, and build brand, to expand the business scope of business vision.

Keywords Myshine-house Yangzhou area Marketing planning