关键词:艺术收藏 自身品味 艺术品价值
Abstract:With the last three decades, the growth of people's material level , to improve the realm of art , through viewing and collecting art , to understand the value of the artist's thinking taste and art itself , to increase the quality of life . In the financial market, the property industry have appeared in the case of sharp ups and downs , the only art investment market prices become straight giant . Since the financial crisis a few years ago , art investment industry to recover from the downturn suddenly leap into hurricane . Many auction price from the transaction price can be seen in the amazing development of the Chinese art market . However, in the art investment market is often some people , they did not know enough to appreciate the artistic value of the purchasing power of collectors. Purchase of works of art in today's society there are two main groups , one just entered art investment art collectors circle , most of the new Regal II erected ; Second, the work of art as the art of financial stocks investors , most removed from the field from the financial circles or stock . One of their common cognitive ability is the ability to appreciate art is not enough, " the art of the entry is based on a rich heritage ," collectors of art , how to enhance their artistic accomplishment at the same time have a certain purchasing power can not be ignored key .
The main contents are as follows:
Chapter 1: Discusses the importance of art investment. And research topics closely related to the current situation with the investors and investment companies. State of the art investment analysis of the importance of national development brings, review the status of domestic and foreign investors to invest artwork. And draw thesis research work to be carried out.
Chapter 2: Analysis of the current status of the investment. Lay the foundation for the subsequent theory. Analysis of the Chinese art market and overseas investors see the benefit of the arts art investment reasons. Introduces important investment trend of China art. Analysis of the important ways to promote investment in the development of the art market. And to discuss the pros and cons of investing public art.
Chapter 3: Analysis of art investor preferences, analytical artwork investor psychology. Focus on the importance of narrative art investors own tastes and conservation of works of art investment. And to explore how to improve the ways and means of self-conservation.
Chapter 4: Summary. A summary of the full text and made the prospect follow-up study.
Keywords: art collection worth its own taste of art