摘 要:随着物流配送企业的发展,降低成本成为企业的第一目标,通过对物流配送企业的分析,物流配送企业的成本主要体现在库存和车辆配送路径优化问题(VRP)。其中车辆配送路径优化对企业的发展起着制约的作用,所以研究车辆配送路径优化方案成为企业重点关注的问题。
关键词:节约里程法 车辆配送 路径优化
ABSTRACT:With the development of logistics enterprises, reduce costs become the first goal, through the analysis of logistics enterprises, logistics enterprises is mainly reflected in the cost of inventory and distribution vehicle routing problem (VRP). Which vehicle distribution route optimization constraints on the development of enterprises play a role, so research vehicle distribution route optimization program become a key concern.
Based on the E Logistics Distribution Vehicle Routing Optimization Problem Analysis, E logistics company because the path is not optimal, greatly increasing the cost of the budget, according to the question paper proposes a simple and effective method - saving mileage method. According to conserve mileage method to calculate the amount of distribution route to shorten the distance with the company's distribution from the active comparison can be drawn that the company can use the savings to reduce the mileage France E logistics company's distribution costs.
Keywords:Mileage Conservation Law; Vehicle distribution; Path optimization