关键词: 水产品,技术贸易壁垒,对策建议
Abstract:In recent years, with the development of economic globalization and trade liberalization, other non-tariff measures such as the reducing tariff gradually ,the quota quatity of import and export, licensing system, controled foreign exchange and so on, are subject to the limitations and constraints increasingly in international trade activities. However, imported products began to be applied to many technical barriers of trade with numerous and more and more demanding technical regulations, standards, conformity assessment procedures from many countries, trying to take to limit the impact of foreign products on the domestic market.China is a large fishery production and exporting country, and its aquatic products have broad in Japan, the United States, the European Union, Korea and other countries or regions. These major trading partners frequently use many technical barriers of trade to limit chinese aquatic products of export,and hinder the development of the export of chinese aquatic products in recent years.
With the increasing serious of the international situation, the circumvention of technical barriers of trade with aquatic products has become an important topic in urgent need of our solution. In view of this, this paper attempts of Guangdong aquatic products to research some thing about the technical trade barriers.
Key Words:Aquatic products, the technical barriers of trade, the countermeasures and suggestions