摘要:如今心脑血管疾病对中、老年人的健康和生命造成的危害十分严重,已成为人类死亡 的首要原因,而高血压、高血脂是冠心病、脑卒中等疾病的主要危险因素,目前中国医药保健品市场中老年市场占55%左右,人们生活水平和健康意识也慢慢地提高,越来越多人注重身体保养和养生了,所以其健康消费也随之而增多。本方案针对广州健颜保健品有限公司的公司具体情况和目标市场的特征,借助重阳节(既老人节)这一节日进行推广卵磷脂。
关键词: 保健品,卵磷脂,广州健颜保健品,中老年人
Abstract:Nowadays, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases do harm to the elderly's health and their lives of ,which has become the first reason of human’s health.what’s more, Hypertension and high cholesterol is the major risk factors for coronary heart disease,stroke and other diseases. the older market accounts for about55% of Chinese medicine and health products market.not only is the People's living standards and health awareness slowly improving,but also more and more people people pay attention to body maintenance and health.As a result,their Health consumption followed by increased. According to the specific circumstance of Guangzhou Jianyan health care products Co., LTD and the characteristic of the aim market ,this program represent how to popularize the lecithin in the The Double Ninth Festival.
Key Words:health care products,lecithin,Guangzhou Jianyan health care products Co., LTD,elderly people