摘要: 电子邮件营销作为网络营销的一种方式,其优点是方便快捷,有效,省钱,实用。虽然其重要性近年来不断增加,但这种方式还不太成熟与完善。大多数人每天真正有价值的电子邮件仅有11%左右,垃圾邮件占去89%的比率。这种“广种薄收”的方式散发电子邮件,只会给消费者带来逆反心理,给这个无限广阔的市场带来副作用。本文从E-mail概念入手,首先阐明其作用、重要性及对企业的意义所在,再深入剖析了电子邮件营销中存在的主要问题,并在此基础上提出了具体的解决办法。
Abstract:E-mail marketing is one of the important methods of the Internet marketing. Its advantages are convenient, effective, cheap and practical. In recent years, although the importance of increasing, but this method is not mature and perfect. Most people receive the true value of mail is only about 11% every day. The spam accounted for 89% of the ratio. This way of “extensive cultivation" to distribute mail is only bring the antagonistic psychology to consumers and bring the side effect of this unlimited broad market . This article obtains from the E-mail concept, first to elucidate its role, importance and the significance of the enterprise. Then analyzed the main problems existing in email marketing and base on this analysis, the author puts forward countermeasures to solve such problems.
Keywords:E-mail Marketing、Spam、Development Strategy
电子邮件营销媒体不但具有网络化、非强迫性、交互性、及时性、廉价性及可适应性等网络媒体及细分媒体优势, 还可与网络媒体及传统媒体相互融合、联合互动,进而实现整个营销沟通的过程。目前我国电子邮件营销要克服弱势, 强化优势, 使E-MAIL 营销成为企业强有力的网络营销手段。要使电子邮件营销成为光芒永久的恒星而不是转瞬即逝的流星,就要依赖商界及社会的共同探索与努力,大力宣传,为其发展创造一个良好的环境等等。