摘要: 随着科技的发展,电子货币已经广泛被应用,伴随着电子货币业务的广泛应用必然会引起对其的研究和规范,电子货币具有与传统货币不同的特点,因此会带来特有的风险。文章一、主要讲述了什么是电子货币,电子货币的类型,第二、我国电子货币的发展状况,第三、主要讲述了电子货币风险问题的主要形式,第四、主要讲述了对电子货币风险问题的形式针对性的解决方法,第五、主要对以上的内容作了进一步的总结,并针对当前我国电子货币的发展现状对电子货币以后的发展做了总结。
关键词:电子货币 电子货币风险 风险防范
Abstract: With the development of science and technology, electronic money has been widely applied, with the extensive application of the business of electronic money will inevitably lead to its research and specification, electronic money has the characteristics of different from the traditional monetary ,therefore, it will bring a special risk. First part of the article, focuses on what is the electronic money, electronic money type. Second part of article, development of electronic money in China. Third , focuses on the main form of electronic currency risk.Fourth, focuses on risks in the form of electronic money targeting solutions.Fifth, summary of the content was further to the above, and current situation of China's development of electronic money on future development of electronic money do the summary.
Keywords: electronic money; electronic currency risk; risk prevention