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摘 要:随着中国经济水平的高速发展,国家综合实力稳步提升,国际威信逐年增强,人民币币值坚挺,国际化呼声很高。目前,人民币资本账户仍然是有限制的开放,并未完全可自由兑换,仅仅进入了国际化的初级阶段。本文首先从货币自由兑换的条件入手,分析人民币自由兑换应当满足的各项条件及人民币国际化的利与弊。进而与国内现状进行对比,寻找不足与缺陷,最后提出了部分具有针对性和时效性的政策建议。人民币自由兑换前景看好,相信不久之后,人民币会成为世界货币之一。

关键词:人民币自由兑换  人民币国际化  条件分析  政策建议


Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, not only China's overall national strength and international impact is increasing, the increased value of RMB also attracted  public's attention. At present, currency exchange between RMB and foreign currency is still limited, and we just entered the initial stage of internationalization. The paper will begin with the conditions of free currency exchange and discuss the pros and cons of internationalization of RMB. Compared with the domestic situation, we will find defects and make constructive recommendations. We believe that RMB could become one of the world currencies before long.

Key words: RMB Conversion   RMB Internationalization   Condition Analysis  Policy and Suggestions