摘 要:随着中国经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,果汁饮料已成为人们日常生活中必不可少的重要组成部分,果汁饮料也在中国国内拥有着广阔的市场。而作为快速消费品,果汁饮料具有消费量大、消费周期短等特点,并且它的消费深受消费者行为的影响。农夫山泉股份有限公司是中国饮料工业“十强”企业之一,其生产的农夫山泉果汁饮料可以满足不同口味人群的需要,在国内果汁饮料市场中居于重要地位。但是在激烈的市场竞争中,竞争对手的营销活动日新月异,如何有效地抓住消费者需求,是摆在农夫山泉面前的紧迫问题。
本文运用消费者行为学的相关理论,通过市场调查与预测的方法,对农夫山泉果汁饮料的消费者行为进行了调查, 深入分析了其在购买果汁饮料时考虑的因素,并在此基础上提出了农夫山泉果汁饮料的营销策略。
关键字:农夫山泉 果汁饮料 消费者行为 营销策略
ABSTRACT:With China's economic development and people's living standard continues to improve, fruit drinks has become an indispensable part of people's daily life, and juice drinks in China has a vast market. As a fast moving consumer goods, fruit drinks consumed in large quantity, short consumption cycle characteristics, and its consumption by the consumer behavior. Nongfushangquan Co., Ltd. is one of the "top ten" enterprises of China Beverage Industry, the farmer spring juice drinks production to meet the needs of people of different flavors, occupies an important position in the domestic juice market. However, in the fierce market competition, the competitors' marketing activities with each passing day, how to effectively seize consumer demand is placed in front of the farmer spring pressing issues.
In this paper, the theory of consumer behavior, market research and forecasting methods, conducted a survey of consumer behavior farmer spring juice drinks, in-depth analysis of the factors to be considered in the purchase of juice drinks, and on this basis the marketing strategy of the farmer spring juice drinks.
Key words: Nongfu spring;Juice dringks;Consumer behavior;Marketing strategy