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  • 更新时间:2014-07-17
  • 论文字数:7484
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 论文模板 > 经济管理 >
  • 课题来源:(笑笑)提供原创文章


摘要: 随着我国基金业的发展的快速,基金由于其预期的高额回报率受到越来越多的投资者的青睐。但是,近几年基金的经营状况却不那么尽如人意,很多基金出现了巨额亏损,尽管有很多的原因,但基金经理人的道德问题引发的危机慢慢凸显,成为巨额亏损的主要原因之一。本文就基金经理人的道德风险进行了研究,重点从经济伦理的角度分析基金经理人道德风险的表现形式以及道德风险形成的原因,从而寻找现实可行的解决途径。

关键词 :基金经理人;道德风险;老鼠仓;


Abstract: With the fast development of fund,it attracts more and more attention owing to its high prospective return rate. But,recently,the performance of fund manager in our country is no so well-pleasing. Many even made a huge loss. Apart from several objective factors, it is also a main reason that there exits a great deal of moral crisis deeds of fund manager. In this paper, the problem about the moral crisis of fund manager is studied. We mainly analyze the pattern of manifestation of the moral crisis and how the moral crisis take shape,then try to find an improving motivation-constrain mechanism. 

Key words:fund manager;moral risk;Rat Trading