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关键字:中美贸易  贸易摩擦  中美关系


Abstract:Since China adopted the reform and opening up, China US economic and trade has achieved good long-term development, in the bilateral trade benefits at the same time, trade friction has become increasingly prominent, not only the common heart to treat this problem. Friction between the economy in the face of the two largest in the world, we must find out its root in where, is the system or technical problems, whether they can be solved in a short time. Especially since the 2008 outbreak of the international financial crisis, Sino US trade friction among into hitherto unknown, look for imminent countermeasures to solve the Sino US trade friction. Analyzing the present situation of Sino US trade through this paper, found that the trade between the two countries in the field of slowly expanded, its form is more diverse, the reason is that China and the United States both. In today's era of economic globalization, in a systemic condition, we in the face of the Sino US trade friction is different to take appropriate countermeasures, only in this way can go further and better Sino US trade.

Keywords: Sino US trade  trade friction   The Sino US relations