关键词:另类宠物 贸易风险 盈利模式 贸易拓展
Abstract:With the development of society forward, and now people's consumption patterns change. It has been keeping the traditional concept of pets is subtly changed. After raising over cats and dogs in, people do not put more "status quo" vision, to invest in other alternative pet's body, 80, 90 and so full of adventures psychological consumer groups, the moment, especially in increasingly optimistic more "alternative" pet some weekdays daunting "alternative pet" quietly captured the hearts of young people.
A very wide range of alternative pets from cold-blooded arthropods, such as feeding the lizards tortoises darling, to the lovely mammals, rodents, pets are an important role in alternative markets. Alternative pet economy in China has just started, a large gap in the market, and low investment, low risk, high profit. However, the market mostly self-employed or semi-playing half providers, in terms of pricing, trade, national legal norms are also confusing pattern, the presence of price fixing, mismanagement, lack of supervision, smuggling and other undesirable business problems
This paper analyzes the current situation of the industry, from multiple angles consumers, farmers, sellers and other trade risk analysis of different behaviors in a different level of trade, which mainly related to the live transport, species selection, national laws, market pricing, intermediary , and many other aspects of marketing, publicity; pointed farming, transportation, management, law four core business risk; dialysis market and the development of the times, to explore a more comprehensive and detailed profit model, to establish a relatively complete theoretical basis of alternative pet trade profitability and future market trends, and in ensuring a reasonable risk-aversion trade, the proposed effective trade promotion direction, multi-faceted roadmap to improve the overall market and industry.
Key words:alternative pet trade risk profit model trade expansion