[摘要]: “性灵说”在林语堂的文学观念中占着举足轻重的位置,也是其散文创作的一个重要支撑点。本文试着系统地探讨林语堂的性灵文学观,通过比较中国古代文学史上的“性灵说”与林语堂文学观念中的“性灵说”的异同之处来解读“性灵说”所注重的独立人格和自由思想的价值所在,从而感受林语堂率真的性灵文字。
[关键词]:林语堂; 文学观; 性灵说
[Abstract]:“The theory of native sensibility ”occupied an decisive role in Lin Yutang's literary concept,and it also an important support point in Lin yutang’s prose creation.This article tries to systematically study Lin Yutang's view of personality, through the comparison of Chinese ancient literature history of “the theory of native sensibility " and Lin Yutang's literary concepts of “the theory of native sensibility " similarities and differences of " the theory of native sensibility "on the dependent personality and free thinking value, the feeling Lin Yutang’s sincere spiritual text.
[Key words]: Lin yutang; view of literature; the theory of native sensibility;