摘要: 以“平民作家”著称的老舍先生一生致力于市民文学的创作,成为中国现代文学史上城市贫民悲剧命运最重要的展现者与批判者。老舍先生在《骆驼祥子》中成功地创造出了“祥子”这一经典的城市贫民的形象,展示了城市贫民的悲剧命运,以饱蘸血与泪的笔触对造成悲剧的社会进行了无情的鞭挞,从而把批判的矛头直接指向不公平、不合理的社会。
关键词: 老舍;祥子;悲剧命运
Abstract: "civilian writers," said a Mr. Lao She devoted his life to public literary creation, the history of modern Chinese literature tragic fate of the urban poor who show the most important and critics. Mr. Lao She's "Rickshaw Boy" successfully created a "Shoko" This classic image of the urban poor, showing the tragic fate of the urban poor to Baozhan strokes of blood and tears for the tragedy caused by a ruthless society whips, thus bringing the criticism directed directly unfair and unreasonable society.
Keywords: Lao she; Shoko; Tragic Fate