摘要: 本研究对鹅的相关产品进行开发利用,制作鹅肉味香精。制作香精的原料是鹅肉和鹅骨。本课题先以水解度为考察指标,利用碱性蛋白酶对鹅骨和鹅肉蛋白的酶解工艺进行优化,再利用美拉德反应将酶解产物制备成鹅肉味香精,对不同原料制作的香精进行比较。本研究表明,碱性蛋白酶酶解鹅肉蛋白的最佳工艺条件为:料液比为1:3,温度为55℃,时间为6h,水解度可达28.9%。碱性蛋白酶酶解鹅骨蛋白的最佳工艺条件为:料液比为1:4,温度为55℃,时间为5h,水解度可达18.5%。美拉德反应制备鹅肉香精的最佳工艺条件为:酶解温度为60℃、料液比为1:3、温度为110℃、酶解时间为4h,综合评分可达81分。美拉德反应制备鹅骨香精的最佳工艺条件为:酶解温度为60℃、酶解时间为4h、温度为110℃、料液比为1:3,综合评分可达73分。经比较,虽然鹅骨的水解度比鹅肉低很多,但这是因为鹅肉本身蛋白质较多决定的。对成品香精的感官评定鹅骨香精的评分略低于鹅肉香精,但是差距不大。
关键词 鹅骨;鹅肉;蛋白;酶解;美拉德反应
Abstract:This research was about the development and utilization to related products of geese, and make goose flavor. The materials were goose bone and meat. In order to provide the optimally hydrolyzed material for producing goose flavor essence, proteases were used to hydrolyze the goose and goose bone. Then,hydrolysates were as the main raw material to prepare the goose flavor essence by Maillard reaction. At last, compare the difference. The study showed that the optimal hydrolytic conditions to goose were as follows: liquid ratio of 1:3, temperature of 55℃,time of 6h. Under these conditions,the hydrolysis degree was up to 28.9%. The optimal hydrolytic conditions to goose bone were as follows: liquid ratio of 1:4, temperature of 55℃, time of 5h. Under these conditions, the hydrolysis degree was up to 18.5%. By the Maillard reaction to produce the goose flavor essence, results showed that the optimal conditions were as follows: liquid ratio of 1:3, temperature of 60℃, time of 4h, temperature for Maillard reaction of 110℃. On these conditions, the composite score was 81 points. By the Maillard reaction to produce the goose bone flavor essence, results showed that the optimal conditions were as follows: liquid ratio of 1:3, temperature of 60℃, time of 4h, temperature for Maillard reaction of 110℃. On these conditions, the composite score was 73 points. By comparison, the hydrolysis degree of goose was higher than the hydrolysis degree of goose bone. Because goose was made mostly of protein。The composite score of goose bone flavor was lower than the composite score of goose flavor, but just a little.
Keywords Goose bone Goose Protein Enzymatic hydrolysis Maillard reaction