摘要:本研究以菊花和葡萄籽提取物(GSE)为主要原料,研究了复合饮料加工工艺中菊花的最佳浸提方法和条件及GSE的最佳提取方法和条件。以石油醚为溶剂,通过单因素试验,研究超声温度、超声时间、超声功率和用乙醇提取时乙醇浓度等各因素对葡萄籽提取物得率的影响,然后设计正交实验,得到最佳优化工艺参数。结果表明,提取时最佳工艺参数为超声温度65 ℃、超声时间10 min、超声功率300 W、乙醇浓度100%。菊花浸提液方案料液比1∶90、浸提温度90℃、浸提时间20min。复合饮料配方为菊花汁60%、GSE12%、白砂糖12%、柠檬酸0.12%时,产品感官品质最优。
Abstract:This experiment studied the extraction technology of mixed beverage of chrysanthemum and grape seed extract(GSE),and found the optimal technological parameters and recipe by single-factor experiment and orthogonal experiment.The results showed that the extraction process parameters for ultrasonic temperature of 65 °C,ultrasonic time of 10min,ultrasonic power 300W,100%of the ethanol concentration and ratio of tea, and water 1:90,extraction temperature 90℃,extraction time 20min,and that the best technology formula of the compound beverage was as follows:chrysanthemum juice60%,GSE12%,citric acid 0.12%,white granulated sugar 12%.
Key words: Grape seed extraction chrysanthemum compound beverage