摘要:首先进行浸泡优化实验,称取相同一定质量的苔干,相同的料液比,根据不同的浸泡温度,浸泡时间来判断最优浸泡条件,判断指标之一为口感,即苔干的脆性;之二为色泽。然后进行保脆保绿实验条件的优化,以料水比(苔干/水)为1:5,优化CaCl2、NaCl、NaHCO3和乙酸锌对苔干品质的影响,指标为口感和叶绿素含量。叶绿素含量的测定采取的是分光光度计比色法,先是加入一定体积分数为80%丙酮进行提取,然后离心1-2min,取上清液5ml,定容至10mL,分别测定663和645 nm下的吸光度。按一定的公式计算苔干中叶绿素a、叶绿素b的质量浓度。接着设计正交实验,得到最佳优化工艺参数。结果显示,最佳优化工艺参数为CaCl2 0.5%,NaCl 5%,NaHCO3 0.5%,乙酸锌0.3%。然后做苔干酱料配方实验,采取的是油炸的方法,然后做相应的正交实验,根据不同的口感脆性确定最优配方。
关键词 苔干;叶绿素;吸光度
Abstract:First soak optimization experiments, said the Tai gan take the same quality, the same solid to liquid ratio, according to the type of soaking temperature, soaking time Classifying one of the indicators to determine the optimal soaking conditions, taste, i.e. brittleness Tai gan; The second color. Then Paul the crisp Go green experimental conditions optimized to Liu Shui (Tai gan / water) 1:5 optimize CaCl2, NaCl, NaHCO3 and zinc acetate the Tai gan quality indicators for taste and chlorophyll content. Determination of chlorophyll content is taken by colorimetry, first by adding a certain volume fraction of 80% acetone extraction, and then centrifuged 1 ~ 2min, the supernatant 5ml, set the volume to 10 mL, respectively, measured 663 and 645 nm the absorbance. Tai gan according to a certain formula to calculate the concentration of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b. Followed by orthogonal experiment was designed to get the best optimization of process parameters. The results show that the optimizing process parameters CaCl2 0.5%, NaCl 5%, NaHCO3 0.5%, 0.3% of zinc acetate. Then do the the Tai gan sauce recipe experiment, take the frying method, and then do the appropriate orthogonal experiment to determine the optimal formula, depending on the taste brittle.
Keywords tai gan chlorophyll absorbance