关键词 维生素C;火焰原子吸收间接法;铜
Abstract:This paper presents a new method for the determination of vitamin C in food. The method is based on the sample of the vitamin C in the water solution by reacting with alkaline copper salt solution, and finally by the flame atomic absorption spectrometry method for the determination of the copper content in remaining in the sample solution after reaction, thereby to obtain the content of vitamin C in the sample solution indirectly. By single factor and orthogonal experiments determine the Fei Lin liquid dosage, reaction temperature, reaction time, centrifugal time and pH on experimental effects. The results show that, in 1.00mL10.00mg/mL vitamin C standard solution Fei Lin liquid dosage is 2.00mL, the reaction time is 35min in the room temperature, the centrifugal time is 10min and pH as raw solution (12.0~13.16) is the best test condition, and can be used for analysis of real samples. By indirect atomic absorption method, the detection limit of 5.514mg/mL, the optimum conditions for determination of the relative standard deviation is 0.68%~5.56%, and the recovery rate between 90.31% and 108.29%. The determination results of determination results compared with national standard, the relative error is in 0.99%~7.84%, and the results are consistent. This method is simple, accurate, strong anti-interference ability, can be used as a rapid detecting method for vitamin C.
Keywords Vc Indirect flame atomic absorption method Copper