摘要:在传统社会,土地是农民的生活来源,也是农民的养老保障。随着广东省城市化速度的加快,大量土地被征,一个新的社会群体—— 失地农民由此而生。在城市化进程中,失地农民不仅仅失去了具有保障功能的土地,而且青壮年农民大量流向城市,从而对农村传统的土地以及家庭养老模式带来极大的冲击。而这些失去土地的农民的问题迫切需要研究以及拿出有效的措施给予解决,这是他们的民生问题,也是党和政府加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设所要解决“老有所养”的重大问题。建立失地农民养老保险制度对全面建设小康社会、构建和谐广东具有深远的现实意义。
关键词:失地农民; 养老保险; 存在问题; 措施建议
Abstract:In traditional society, land is the source of livelihood and security for old peasants. A large number of land has been imposed and a new social groups - landless peasants has come into being in during the process of urbanization in Guangdong Province. At the process of urbanization, the peasants have not only lost the security function of land, and the substantial flow of young and middle-aged peasant town, which the traditional land of rural old-age home model as well as a great shock, and these farmers lost their land question the urgent need for research and come up with effective measures to solve, this is their livelihood, but also speed up the party and government to improve people's livelihood as the focus of social construction that must be resolved in "a sense of security" on major issues. Peasants set up endowment insurance system for comprehensively building a well-off society and building a harmonious Guangdong has far-reaching practical significance.
Key words:Landless peasants; Pension insurance; Problem; Measures