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ABSTRACT:The Foreign research about outdoor sports starting from the end of the 1960s, the beginning of the 70 s, it makes the human put forward new need in sport, People change a lot in today's social work and life style, With the constantly increasing of the demand of people, the state of mind of eager to return to natural is also more and more intense, meanwhile, more and more people go to travel and exploration activities, etc. This thesis chooses the outdoor sports of snowy as research object in Baisha Village of Yunnan Lijinag, Basically, methods of documentation, mathematical statistics and questionnaire will be adopted in researching and analyzing the feasibility of developing outdoor sports in Lijiang. Such as the geographical advantage, economic advantage and develop technical support of outdoor sports to carry out comprehensive investigation. The research shows that there are many problems in the developing process of outdoor sports in Baisha Village of Lijiang, especially, lack the satisfaction of demand about the experience of outdoor participant; part of the outdoor expansion project can't highlight the characteristics of "sports", "movements". This thesis based on make the investigation and research of outdoor sports park of Snow Mountain in Baisha Village of Yunnan Lijinag, and to provide helpful reference and decision for the further development of outdoor sports in Baisha Village of Lijiang.

Keywords: Baisha Village in Lijinag; outdoor sports; present situation


