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  • 更新时间:2013-10-17
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  • 课题来源:(在职研究生)提供原创文章


摘要:自主学习是近几年来我国体育教学发展的一个重大的焦点,自主学习就是在教学过程中,充分发挥学生的主体作用,让学生自己支配学习的时间和空间。每一位学生的心理、生理、意志、情感各不相同, 每一位学生都有自己的学习能力, 都有自我发展和自我提高的需要。论文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、访谈法从农村中学体育教育的现状、培养自主学习在农村中学体育教育中的重要性、农村中学体育教育中培养学生自主学习的策略进行了探讨。在农村中学体育教育中培养学生学会“自主学习”是非常有意义的,它能更好的发展中学体育教育,提高学生的运动兴趣,增强学生的运动能力,改善学生的健康状况,促进学生的身心发展、提高课堂气氛,适应时代的发展趋势,培养学生的创新精神和意识,以及终身体育都具有积极意义。因此得出若干结论,为发展新宁县农村中学体育教育提供参考。



ABSTRACT:Autonomous learning is an important focus of China’s physical education in recent years, it is that students are the main bodies in learning process, they can control their learning time and space. Every student has different mental, physiology, willpower and emotion, own learning ability, the needs of self-development and self-improvement. The thesis explores the present physical education situations, the importance of raising autonomous learning, and the strategies of autonomous learning in rural middle schools’ physical education by using literature, logical, and interview. It is significant to raise students’ “autonomous learning” ability in rural middle schools, it can develop middle schools’ education better; students’ sports interests, sports ability, health status, physical and mental development; class atmosphere. Also it can keep abreast of the changing world, improve students’ creative spirit and awareness, and gear toward to lifelong sports. The conclusions can be as the references for developing rural middle schools’ physical education in Xinning County.

Key words: Xinning County in Hunan province; rural middle schools; Physical Education Reform; study

