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ABSTRACT:Ethnic aerobics is a new form of activity which combines western aerobics and ethnic dancing together. This paper used methods of questionnaire survey, mathematical  statistics analysis, logical analysis combined with literature analysis among students who selected ‘ethnic aerobics’ as their social-and-sport selective course to study. Resulted that, since Honghe University introduced ethnic aerobics, the enjoyment and exercising effect was consented by the students. However, problems such as the insufficiency of teachers and facilities was also proposed. In this paper, several solutions were offered to try to solve the problems correspondingly. The advantages for Honghe University to develop ethnic aerobics had been analyzed. Some suggestions for the development of ethnic aerobics in Honghe University were proposed while.

Key words:  Honghe University,Physical education teaching,Ethnic Aerobics,present situation;Prospect


   学校是体育成长的摇篮,是体育走向规范化、科学化、普及化的必由之路。把民族传统体育引入学校体育课堂教学,是普通高校体育课程改革发展的必然趋势。红河学院是位于少数民族聚居区的高校,对少数民族传统体育文化的传承和发展有不可回避的责任。《中国体育改革与发展纲要》也明确指出:“要进一步发挥少数民族地区的优势,开发民族体育资源,做好民族传统项目的挖掘、整理和推广工作。” 民族健身操的多元文化特征和多元价值功能决定其具有较高的课程开发价值,在课程改革的要求和全国统编大纲背景下,选择民族健身操,从而实现少数民族传统体育文化在学校体育中得到广泛渗透。