Abstract:Bi feiyu has been called the good portraying female image of the writer, he's the image of women colorful, have different features. This paper tries to Bi feiyu's women will be divided into the following three: the chase rights of women-power the tragedy of desire; The marginal female-in a secular lonely; Suppressed women, beautiful and good of the tragedy, in order to explain them in the living environment of under the oppression of tragic life.
Key words:Right, unreality, loneliness, self value, escape from reality
毕飞宇是中国当代著名作家,自1991年在《花城》发表中篇处女作《孤岛》后,引起了学界和读者的广泛关注。毕飞宇的小说结构紧凑,语言平实,小说最大的艺术特点是塑造了众多女性人物形象,其小说中的女性形象主要分为三种:一、追逐权力的女性——权利欲望的悲剧者;二、边缘化的女性——处于世俗的孤独者;三、被压抑的女性——美与善的悲剧者。毕飞宇的小说擅长以男性的眼光关照女性内心隐秘的情怀,用冷静细腻的笔调描述她们在生存环境压迫下的选择与突围、挣扎与反抗, 这是其小说的独特魅力。