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[摘要] 王安忆的小说一直徘徊在乡村与城市之间。但是,其20世纪90年代中后期的作品发生了明显的转变。其作品仿佛在有意回避描写大上海的风花雪月,刻意拉开与那些老上海故事的距离,也一改以往作品中以苏北乡村为背景的叙述。创造了另一类截然不同的乡村世界。于是提出如下几个问题:王安忆创造了怎样一个截然不同的“乡村”世界?为什么会出现这样的“乡村”?在最近二十年来的文学变迁的大背景,它有什么意义? 文章依次对上述问题作出了或详或简的回答。

[关键词] 王安忆 乡村书写 富萍 上种红菱下种藕 


[Abstract] Wang Anyi's novel has been hovering between country and city. But, the 1990’s work there has been a marked shift. Her work as if to avoid description the romantic affair in great Shanghai, and avoid those old Shanghai started deliberately story. She also change the works which based on the background of the rural in the north of Jiangsu province. She Creates another type of very different countryside. Then it puts forward the problems: What totally different "country" that Wang Anyi created? Why she created such a "country"? In the last twenty years the transition to the background of the literature, what does it mean? The article will answer the above questions. 

[Key words]  Wang Anyi  Rural writing  Fuping  On the latter magnesite lotus root


