关键词:羽毛球; 男子双打; 技战术
Abstract:This paper on the basis of previous studies, through to the world excellent men's doubles players are analyzed, the game to their video on the game on synthesized and summarized the tactics. From hair hair, three clap five clap the cohesion, between four and six pat pat the cohesion, create between offensive techniques, scoring technique on the research, and runs. In clear badminton doubles project under the premise of winning rule, reveals the essential characteristics of the doubles project, and through multi-index qualitative and quantitative methods, discusses the combination of the men's doubles project many balls training method system.
Keywords: badminton Men's doubles tactics
男子双打是羽毛球运动项目中攻守最激烈、速度要求最快的项目,胜负往往在前几拍便分出高下,由于场上增加了两名球员,因此进攻和防守的要求都更为加强。当前的世界男子双打打法朝着 “快速、全面、进攻、多变” 的方向发展 ,在坚持快攻的方向中强调技术全面和双打关键技术的加强,打法更注重于技、战术的变化和各队组的特色。在双打中最为关键的是意识,就是寻找对方的漏洞,在防守中寻找最好的反攻机会。