摘 要:动机是激励和维持着人的行为,并将使行动导向某一目标,以满足个体某种需要的内部动因,而学习动机是指直接推动学生进行学习的一种内部驱动力,是激励和引导学生进行学习的一种需要。影响个体行为动机的因素主要有:价值观因素、行为、兴趣、信念、理想、情感因素等。本文以XX学院公共体育俱乐部教学班的学生为研究对象,通过对影响XX学院学生选课动机的相关因素进行调查研究,其研究结果表明:影响学生选课动机的因素主要包括:学生自身因素 ;体育教师、课程内容设置及场地器材;社会环境、群体因素 ;个人健康和社会交往的需求。
ABSTRACT:Motivation is incentive and maintain the people's behavior, and will make action oriented a goal to meet the individual needs some of the internal motive, but learning motivation is to point to directly promote students to learn a internal driving force, is the incentive and guide students to learn a need. The motive of the behavior of the individual influence factors are: values factors, behavior, interest, beliefs, ideal, emotional factors and so on. .In this paper the public sports club to the HongHe university students of classes as the research object, by of literature, questionnaire, interview method to investigate students' motivation of courses, through the investigation and study on to the HongHe university students' course selection of motivation relevant factors, the research results show that the influence of the main course students motivation factors include: the students own factors ,physical education teachers, the contents of the course and the equipment.social environment, group factors ,personal health and social needs.
Key Words :HongHe university;Public sports;Courses motivation;Influence factors