摘 要:随着物理新课程改革的提出和逐渐深入,提倡科学探究成为了物理教学改革的必由之路。在物理教学过程中,如何去更好的落实科学探究,一直是一线教师们所探讨的重要内容。本文首先对新课改的要求以及科学探究作了简单的介绍,随后以人教版物理选修3-4的“外力作用下的振动”一节中的“共振”内容作了探究教学设计,包括设计意义,其他教师设计比较,教材分析,学情分析,设计的三维目标,设计环节。力求通过这节课的教学设计来以小见大,探讨如何去落实科学探究环节,培养学生的三维目标的教学设计,体现新课程改革中重视学生的科学素养,还望老师一起更正和完善。
关键词:新课程改革 科学探究 共振 实验
Abstract:As the physical new course reformation had been proposed and gradually deeply, advocating scientific inquiry become the only road of physical teaching reformation. In the physical teaching processing, how to imple the better science inquiry, is always the first teachers discussing the important content. Firstly, the article made simple introduction for requirements of the new course reformation and science inquiry. Then in the physical elective 3-4 "Forced vibration", a section of "resonance" inquiry teaching design content, including design sense, other teachers' designing, teaching material analysis, comparative analysis, design of learning mood 3d object, design link. Strive to this class teaching design, this paper discusses how to go with the scientific inquiry link and train students' 3d object teaching design, embodied in the new course reformation stressing on students' scientific literacy, still hope the teacher corrected together and perfect.
Keywords:new course reformation scientific inquiry resonance experiment