摘 要:自几年以前,英国著名的《声与画》杂志评出了20世纪在电影艺术领域中出现的10位最重要的改革者,他们中的每一个人都不是什么光芒耀眼的著名影星.同时其中的导演大多数也不是什么在世界影坛有着巨大名声的大导演,但是他们中的每一个人都在自己所属的那个年代里打破了传统的局限.为世界电影艺术的创造了新的未来。而在中国,20世纪90年代这段时间应该属于中国香港的导演--王家卫。王家卫相比于整个香港影坛中的其他导演,他有着极其突出的特点。他的电影对那个年代的香港电影产生了巨大的冲击,但王家卫电影中鲜明独特的个人风格把他与其它商业电影中的导演明显的区别开来,并且在电影的艺术领域中为自己赢得了巨大的荣誉。很多人都认为他的电影风格是自成一家。王家卫电影与以往大多数人所认识的电影有很大的不同,正是这种不同,所以很多人对王家卫电影及其本人产生巨大的关注,他本人和他的电影在国际电影世界上也取得了巨大的荣誉。
关键词: 王家卫,感知世界,都市情感,后现代,失语与无序,社会心理
Abstract :A few years ago, the famous British "sound and picture" magazine named its 20th century art in the film appear in 10 of the most important reformers, each of them is not that famous movie stars shine bright. Meanwhile the director of which is not what most have great reputation in the world cinema's great directors, but every one of them in their own era that break the traditional limitations. The creation of film art world a new future. In China, the 20th century, the period of 90 years should belong to the director of Hong Kong, China - Wong Kar-wai. Wong Kar-wai film in Hong Kong compared to the other directors, he has a very prominent feature. His Hong Kong films of that era had a tremendous impact on the film, but Wong Kar-wai film distinctive personal style unique to him and other commercial film director in the clear distinction between, and the arts in the film won for themselves a great honor. Many people think that dreams of his film style. Wong Kar-wai film and in the past most people know the film is very different, it is this different, so a lot of people on Wong Kar-wai film and I have a huge concern, he and his films in the international film world also made a great honor.
Keywords: Wong Kar-wai, perceiving the world, urban emotion, post-modern, aphasia and disorder, social psychology