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摘  要:间接故意与直接故意两者的界限一直都是一个老课题,一般情况下,两者不难分别,但是现实中很多案件千奇百怪,各种各样的案件都有,因此我们在判断案件性质时比较难以确定是直接故意还是间接故意。刑法第14条明确规定:“明知自己的行为会发生危害社会的结果,并且希望或者放任这种结果发生,因而构成犯罪的,是故意犯罪。”这个规定为我们揭示了犯罪故意需要由认识和意志两个因素构成。换句话说,行为人能够认识到他的行为具有社会危害性,同时又希望或者放任这行为发生的心理状态,就构成刑法意义上的犯罪故意。因此,刑法规定的本身并没有将犯罪故意规定为直接故意和间接故意,所以直接故意与间接故意的划分就完全成为一种理论层面上的研究,而研究间接故意对研究犯罪故意的理论具有很好的作用。


关键词:放任  犯罪形态  间接故意  必然性


Abstract:The indirect intentional and direct intentional the boundaries between the two have always been a old task, usually, both are not hard, but reality a lot of various cases, all kinds of actions have, so we in judging cases were more difficult to determine when nature is directly intentionally or indirect intentional. Criminal law article 14 specified: "know that their behavior will entail harmful consequences to society, and hope that the results or allows such results occur, thus constituting a crime, is an intentional crime." The provisions for we reveal the deliberate crime by understanding and will need two factors. In other words, the actor can realize his behavior has social harmfulness and wish to or allows this behavior happen the psychological condition, constitute a criminal law on the crime of intentionally significance. Therefore, the provisions of the criminal law itself is not deliberate crime will be set to direct intentional and indirect intentional, so direct intentional and indirect intentional division is fully become a theoretical research, and indirect intentional study to research of deliberate crime theory has very good effect.

   The indirect intentional crime in the "easy" is a reckless and don't want psychology attitude, and have the subjunctive and transformation sex, is knowing the results is inevitable and laissez faire is directly intentionally not indirect intentional mentality, indirect intentional crime was the only crime problem or not, there is no criminal attempt, accomplishment crime form divide.

Key Words:Indulge  Patterns of crime  Indirect intention  Inevitability