关键词 物业服务;层次分析法;服务纠纷
Abstract:Property management is a paid service,it is appeared with the development of economy of a kind of emerging service industry,with strong comprehensive,and which is characterized by socialization,specialization and marketization.Property management in real estate development and construction,distribution,consumer use play a crucial role in the process,in the process of modern urban management play an important role,is also a important force in the community construction.But will inevitably be in the process of property management some disputes,hinder the development of property management.Based on property management,on the basis of basic theory,using the analytic hierarchy process research in the process of property management disputes caused by 10 factors,the results are as follows:developers legacy problems caused by disputes,property company service is not standard cause disputes,disputes caused by owner internal problems,and put forward corresponding countermeasures against major disputes.
Keywords property management analytic hierarchy process service disputes