ABSTRACT:Since the outbreak of the 2008 financial crisis, the dollar-based international monetary system have been widely questioned. And in recent years, due to China's growing economic strength, the continuous development of foreign trade, the RMB in neighboring countries and regions was expanded five large-scale circulation of the potential, the RMB has in a certain range to achieve a free flow and exchange, domestic and the RMB as an international currency is increasing. While China has taken a series of measures to promote the internationalization of the RMB. In this context, this paper build on the current problems of the status quo analysis and put forward reasonable proposals.
This paper is divided into six chapters, ask questions, and from the analysis of the first international currency related concepts and definitions, theoretically explain what Can RMB internationalization issues. Then the conditions and the internationalization of RMB possibility analyzed in detail, and the internationalization of the RMB discussed the current situation, combined with the current situation analysis of the internationalization of RMB internationalization of the RMB internationalization of the historical opportunity that may be brought to our country income, as well as possible to bring our series of obstacles and challenges. Meanwhile, according to the internationalization of the yen then analyzed case studies drawn yuan can learn lessons. Finally RMB internationalization status and existing problems highlighted for the current situation to make strategic choices and propose practical measures, and thus promote the internationalization of RMB.
Keywords: RMB ;value ;opportunity ;measures