摘 要:改革开放以来,FDI在中国经济发展的过程中起到了非常重要的作用。江苏省是我国沿海发达省份之一,一直是我国吸引外资的大省,2011年底,江苏省实际外商直接投资金额为321.3173亿美元。大量的外商直接投资带来了资本、技术等生产要素,且通过对各种资源的合理利用影响了不同劳动者的就业和收入水平,进而对城乡收入的分配产生一定程度的影响。长期以来,城乡收入分配问题一直是社会普遍关注的问题。若城乡收入差距扩大而超过了一定的界限,那么它便有可能引起社会的不稳定,而江苏省的城乡收入差距却呈日渐扩大的趋势。因此,江苏的城乡收入分配问题需要引起重视。
ABSTRACT:Since the reform and opening up, FDI has played a quite significant role in the course of China' economic development. Jiangsu Province,one of the developed coastal provinces in China, has attracted a large number of foreign investment. At the end of 2011, the actual amount of foreign direct investment of Jiangsu Province is 32.13173 billion U.S. Dollars. A lot of foreign investment has brought capital, technology and other elements, and at the same time it has affected employment and income levels by rational use of various resources, thus influencing the urban and rural income distribution in a certain degree. For a long time, the urban and rural income distribution has been the social issues of common concern. The urban-rural income gap of Jiangsu Province is gradually expending. If the income gap between urban and rural areas exceeds certain limits, it will be a potential factor of social instability. Therefore, the income distribution in urban and rural areas of Jiangsu Province needs to be taken seriously.
In this paper, taking Jiangsu Province as the research object, I will study the impact of FDI on the income gap between urban and rural areas. Through theoretical analysis and empirical studies of the process FDI influences people's income, and through establishing a time series model that tests the impact of FDI on urban and rural income to expand or shrink, I can make a conclusion that the increasing entry of FDI intensified the urban-rural income inequality in the distribution of Jiangsu Province. Finally, based on the results of the empirical analysis, I will put forward some feasible recommendations on the use of foreign capital and improve the urban and rural income distribution.
Keywords: Foreign direct investment; urban and rural income gap; income distribution