摘 要:当今中国,伴随着经济快速发展而来的就是不容忽视的环境问题。党的十八大将生态文明建设与政治建设、经济建设、文化建设与社会建设合为“五位一体”,突显了国家在未来工作中加强环境保护的决心。而环境问题中影响最大的莫过于重大污染事故,如:松花江重大水污染事件、大亚湾核电站泄漏事故、紫金矿业污染事件、大连漏油事件、中海油蓬莱油田漏油事故等等,这些事故具有受害人数多、赔偿数额巨大、潜伏时间长、原因复杂等特征,因此,单单是一两个污染企业根本无法承担巨额赔偿责任,特别是其中公共污染突发事故,责任人及污染源更是难以确定,单靠政府的救济是不可行的,也无法进行。参考交通强制险,我国很多地方已经进行或正在进行环境责任保险的推行,却遇到了很多问题。本文对我国环境责任保险制度进行分析研究,在此基础上,尝试提出建议、对策。
ABSTRACT:In modern China , along with the rapid economic development , the environmental issues can not be ignored. The party and the country have also long been aware of the importance of environmental protection. The eighth session of the Congress of the Communist Party combined ecological civilization construction, political construction, economic construction, cultural construction and social construction as "five in one", highlighting the country's future determination to strengthen environmental protection work. The most influenced environmental issues are the major pollution accidents, such as: major water pollution incident, the Daya Bay nuclear power plant accident, Zijin Mining pollution incident, the Dalian oil spill, CNOOC Penglai Oilfield oil spills and so on. The accidents had quantities of victims , a huge amount of compensation, long latency, complex features, so that just a two polluting enterprises simply can not afford the huge liability and government relief often can not be usefull. Reference traffic compulsory insurance in many parts of the country have been or are being, environmental liability insurance system, but encountered a lot of problems. This paper attempts to analysis of environmental liability insurance system, try to make recommendations and countermeasures on this basis.
Keywords: Environmental issues; Liability; Insurance system;