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Abstract: Both Wang Wei and Meng Haoren devoted their major efforts to     writingidyl, and both of them are famous for slight description. There are similarities in scenic description: firstly, they got the true meaning of the nature by slight depiction. Secondly, their idylls were magnificently conceived although the words were flat. Thirdly, a kind of simple, grand and unusual atmosphere was created in their works. But if we go into their style seriously, differences would be apparent. At first, Meng Haoran reinforced in refining words, while Wang Wei reinforced in moulding his artistic intelligence; for the second, Meng Haoran “hide himself in his poem”, so his lyric style is that he had something to say at the beginning, and then wrote about it; while Wang Wei just wrote the scenery moved him. For the third, the “quietness” of them is different. That of Meng Haoran is a kind of “painful loneliness”; while that of Wang Wei is a kind of “leisured and comfortable quietness”. All of these differences should be attribute to the distinguishes of their life experiences, personalities and feelings between them.

Key words: Wang Wei and Meng Haoran;  idyl;  comparisons