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[摘要] 本文具体分析了袁枚“性灵说”的内涵,袁枚倡导“性灵说”的原因,以及“性灵说”的影响。认为“性灵说”把诗歌创作与个性自由的要求联系起来,强调个体意识,抵制了清代文化高压政策和考据风气对文学的影响,倡导了平易的诗风,促进了清诗的大众化。袁枚“性灵说”高扬个性,重振和发扬了晚明进步思想,反映出一种要求解放传统束缚和文学自由的倾向,在清代诗歌史上具有承前启后、扭转诗风的重要意义,也是近代进步文学的萌芽。

[关键词]  袁枚 性灵说 真情 个性 诗才 渊源 影响


[Abstract]  This detailed analysis of YuanMei “XingLing theory ”principle,YuanMei advocate “XingLing theory ”reasons,and “XingLing theory ”effect.That “XingLing theory ”poetry and the requirement to link individual freedom,emphasizing the individual consciousness,and cultural pressure to resist the Qing dynasty,according to climate policy and the impact on literature,poetry,plain initiated and promoted the popularity of Qing poetry.YuanMei“XingLing theory”highlight the theme of the individuality,to revive and carry forward the progress of the late Ming thought,reflecting the liberation of a requirement free of traditional constraints and the tendency of literature in the past and the history of the Qing dynasty poetry,reversing the significance of poetry,but also modern progressive literature the bud. 

[Key words]  YuanMei   XingLing theory   true feeling   personalily   poesy  origin  influence

