[摘要] 路遥努力地生活过,深刻地思考过,他的生命历程表现为一个不断超越自身的过程。人的生存状态决定艺术状态的表现形式与内涵,路遥的生存状态,生命的主旋律是拒绝贫困、摆脱困境、通过奋斗、改变命运,因此他笔下的人物也在不断探寻生命的出路,他对生命价值的探索和人生意义的思考给青年一代指明了前进的方向,激励着我们不断进取,追寻自己的人生理想。
[关键词] 路遥; 人生道路; 红卫兵; 反思; 交叉地带
[Abstract] Lu Yao efforts to live a profound thought, his life course of the performance of a continuously look beyond their own process. The survival status of the people decided to form and content of the performance of the state of the art, Lu Yao survival of the state,the main theme of life is to reject poverty, overcome adversity,through the struggle to change the fate of his characters are constantly exploring the way out of life, he exploration of the value of life and thinking of the meaning of life to the young generation, pointing out the way forward, inspired us to continue to forge ahead and pursue their own ideals.
[Key words] Lu Yao; Red- Guards; Reflection; Cross-zone; Life
人生的道路漫长而坎坷,路遥将上下而求索。 路遥,原名王卫国,1949年12月3日出生在陕北清涧县一个贫困的农民家里。路遥的一生是短暂的,并且充满了苦难,他只活了42岁,但他短促的生命却发出了耀眼的光芒。梦想指引着他不断奋进、不断开拓。《在困难的日子里》路遥经历了《惊心动魄的一幕》,在《平凡的世界里》他走出了顽强不屈的《人生》。路遥努力地生活过,深刻地思考过,他的生命历程表现为一个不断超越自身的过程。