[摘要] 长篇小说《平凡的世界》代表了路遥文学创作事业的最高峰,也使路遥这个名字享誉当代文坛。作品有着多方面的成就,其中,作者在塑造男性人物的同时,也着意刻画了处于特定时期的一群典型的女性形象,她们分属于不同的类型,有着不同的思想意识,她们或依附、或徘徊、或独立,各自演绎着平凡而又精彩的人生,丰富着这个平凡的世界。
[关键词] 路遥;《平凡的世界》;典型、类型;女性形象
[Abstract] The novel" ordinary world" on behalf of his writing career peak, also made his name known in contemporary literature. Works have made achievements in many aspects, among them, the author in shaping male characters at the same time, also deliberately portrayed in particular period of a typical female images, they belong to different types, with different ideological consciousness, or their attachment, or wandering, or independent, their interpretation of the extraordinary and wonderful life, enrich the ordinary world.
[Key words] Lu Yao; " Ordinary world"; Typical,type; femal image