[摘要] 本论文从三大方面论述契诃夫在短篇小说中创新的运用框架结构的特征。第一个特征,契诃夫打破了传统框架故事中的框架的无主题状况,使得叙述框架获得主题意义。第二个特征,论述契诃夫在框架小说中独特客观冷峻的叙述视角和叙述方式。第三个特征,在具体例子中体会契诃夫在框架小说中的印象主义和他的创作特色。
[关键词] 框架结构; 契诃夫; 短篇小说
[Abstract] Anton Chekhov was a famous writer of short stories in the world. This paper discusses his short stories about the frame. We think that there are three characters of frame in Chekhov’s stories. The first character is that Chekhov uses a theme of the narrative framework to instead of the traditional framework. Unique narrative perspective and narrative way of objective is the second character. The third character shows the impressionism and the artistic feature in Chekhov’s stories.
[Key words] frame; Chekhov; short stories