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[摘要] 《说文解字》女部中第一个字为“女”,其解释为“女,妇人也。象形。凡女之属皆从女。”所以说《说文解字》女部字中记录的都是关于女性的字。通过对《说文解字》女部字的研究,可以透析到古代妇女生活的蛛丝马迹。本文通过对《说文解字》238个女部字的分类,结合段注及相关文献典籍,阐述了中国古代妇女的社会生活状况和当时的社会制度。

[关键词] 《说文解字》 妇女 文化


[Abstract] The first word of “Origin of Chinese Characters” female part is “female”.The  explanation for the “female”is woman. Every woman is all from the female.So “Origin of Chinese Characters” female words record women.Through the study of “Origin of Chinese Characters” female character,we can trace to ancient women’s life .In this paper , I classify the 238 female part character of “Origin of Chinese Characters”with notes and related documents .According to the study ,we can know the living status of women in ancient China and the social system.

[Key words] “Origin of Chinese Characters” female  culture