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  • 更新时间:2014-09-11
  • 论文字数:11761
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关键词    通城方言,词汇研究,构词特点,词义


ABSTRACT:Hubei Xianning Tongcheng dialect with highly characteristic and personality, which is its own unique geographical location, socio-cultural, historical traditions, and many other factors determine.Tongcheng dialect attracted wide attention of dialect scholars at home and abroad because of its characteristic,finds it has great research value and attaches great importance to its research, but so far research is not enough.I,as Xianning Tongcheng people,as a mother tongue of the Tongcheng dialect,think Tongcheng dialect of great research value.This article looks at Xianning Tongcheng dialect vocabulary,focusing from morphological characteristics and semantic aspects of dialect vocabulary and then does comparative study with Mandarin Chinese vocabulary.Meanwhile on the other hand will combine and reference to some ancient literature,then do simple comparative study between Tongcheng dialect vocabulary and ancient Chinese dialect vocabulary,to research part of the dialect vocabulary and etymology of the word, in order to better understand and know well Tongcheng dialect.

Key Words:Tongcheng dialect,Vocabulary research,Morphological characteristics,Meaning of a word