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摘 要: 晏殊、晏几道同为北宋时期的词作大家,为宋代词作的发展做出了重要贡献。晏殊一生仕途风顺,生活境遇较为优越,被誉为“太平宰相”,所以词作多反映歌宴生活;晏几道人生波折较大,生活落魄,广泛接触社会底层,所以在创作中多表达对人生的思考与对社会底层百姓苦难处境的同情。本文主要从二人创作的词作入手,通过对比手法就创作思想内容、艺术特色两方面来对词进行对比分析,探析二者词作的异同,以期能对人们了解二晏有所帮助。 

关键词   二晏词,思想内容,艺术表现


ABSTRACT:  Yan Shu and his son Yan Ji-dao together act as the famous writer of Song Ci in Northern Song Dynasty, they have made great contributions to the development of the Song dynasty's Ci. Yan Shu was known as the “Peaceful Chancellor”, his official career was very successful and life situation was more superior, therefore, most of his Ci reflect the life of feast. Yan Ji-dao’s life was so tough and abject that he can touch the bottom of society extensively. He always expressed the thinking of the life and the sympathy for the bottom of the social people in writing. This article mainly talking about the literary creation of them, analyzing their Ci by comparing the technique creation thought content and artistic characteristics, exploring the similarities and differences between them, hoping to help people understand the two characters.

Key Word: The Ci writing by Yan Shu and Yan Ji-dao, Thought content, Artistic characteristics